Thursday, December 5, 2019

Congreso Estatal "Innovación en la Enseñanza del Inglés" Galería


  1. It was a great experience to be at the work tables that we had, since the teachers taught the courses they did it in a very didactic way and this turned out to be easy to learn a little from them. Undoubtedly, this type of event strengthens my training as a teacher.

  2. Fernanda Yarely Mendoza Plata
    In my opinion I think that these types of activities are quite fruitful for our training as teachers because they really teach us the importance of English because one thing is to know it and another how to teach it, so they gave us different strategies on how to implement it in the classroom and that helps us to be better teachers every day.

  3. A great experience to participate in this type of event, I want to thank ENRA, they carry out this type of activities within the institution since as a teacher in training it helped me to meet the expectations of the teachers of higher levels and To be able to live the English subject in a different way than usual, through the congress activities they were carried out in a didactic and dynamic way, enriching my vocabulary and development in the English language.
    Therefore, I believe that the realization of these councils can help our training as teachers by developing certain skills in the foreign language.
    David Rico Vasquez

  4. For me the congress is a good way to get into us as future teachers to practice and learn more about English, it is also a good way to interact with the other normal schools and know the different levels they have and against which we are going to face in English. We know more about the language and more than anything we learn with situations or activities of this type.

    Hernández Munguía Naomi A.M.

  5. The congress seemed very good to me since from that I could learn several experiences in addition to strengthening my English I could also meet colleagues from other normal ones and strengthen my learning as a teacher and with that I had more tools to also provide a good service when executing my profession (Alan Sanchez)

  6. Holding a congress in a Normal School is something extraordinary, since, commenting on experiences with people studying in other Normal Schools provides a guideline for increasing learning, in addition to having references from others about their learning and experiences that will serve to contrast the practices profesionales. (Salma Nava)

  7. The English Congress that was carried out with all the normal status of the State was a fruitful activity since with the workshops that were taught to understand other ways to give English classes, in personnel I was in a workshop where most of them were teachers and could be noticed in English English however, have patience to explain some things that would not be understood to the other members of the group. This is where the importance of the acquisition of this language is denoted since it allows communication with other types of people and this in turn involves understanding things from a different point of view.
    -Esmeralda 2 "I"

  8. I found the congress very interesting, since I can interact with various people who really behaved very kindly to me and, above all, shared their experiences and lessons and I could share everything I learned during my professional practice.(Michel Pérez).

  9. Having the opportunity to attend the English Congress was a good experience, since being the escuela normal de los Reyes Acaquilapan the host school and having the assistance of the other normal schools of the Estado de México, it was not only academic, but not also social, because at least I gave myself the opportunity to talk a little with other students and the occasional teacher. And it also allowed me to realize how important it is to learn English and know how to speak it and explain it. It is possible to say that the workshops that were given were very interesting because it was not only explained and already, but also that the speakers made us participate in what they explained to us, they really took us into account and that was a good part, in addition, in No moment became tedious. Finally, I think that I learned a lot both academically and socially and they are of those experiences that should be used because they allow us to know more. Denise Itzel Granillo González 2°1

  10. The Congress for the Innovation of English Teaching that took placed in the normal school of the Karkshaws, was of the utmost importance, in the first thing because that school was the host and received the normal state of Mexico and second on the fact that he gave tools to their students who allow him to interact with the English language, so strategies so that future teachers in training teach the language and in turn other subjects. This in the same way was important in personnel since the basic knowledge of English is put into play and in turn in the workshops that were taught, some educational basic concepts began to be known in that language.
    Guiselle 2° "I"

  11. The Congress that was held in the enra was an experience that left many teachings since we learned strategies to work with children in the primary, in addition to we met people of different normals who have higher development in the practice of English. This type of activities must be developed more frequently in the enlays since it helps us improve the vocabulary in English.
    Jacquelin 2° "I"

  12. The congresses held in the normal school, are very good and important, since through these you learn new things which can be of great help in our academic life and in a future work. In this case the State Congress "Innovation in Teaching English" was of great importance, doing so that something new was learned. The fact that the normal school allows to carry out this type of activities allows both students and teachers to have a new experience near English.
    Esmerai 2º "III"

  13. The congress that took place at the ENRA was very helpful and reinforces knowledge and skills, I appreciate the opportunity to allow myself to be an assistant and take the workshops and conferences that were held there

  14. Cruz Sánchez María Rebeca 2° III
    This congress has been one of the events that have marked my life as a Normalist. Quite independently that the congress was in English, it gave me strategies in question to the educational field. I believe that if the Normal School continues to promote these types of events, the student community will be greatly benefited; In addition, promotion of the second language is English.
    I certainly enjoyed being present in this activity. I look forward to the next congress or forum.

  15. It was really impressive to see the whole normalist community gathered in an English congress, and even more impressive since they were in our institution, eager to learn and live in another language. What I liked most about the congress was being able to live it in person! I liked the workshops, since most of the other normal students were fluent in English, that is a motivation to prepare, because we are teachers in training and we must innovate and learn more every day! Learning English is very important and must be a priority. I liked this congress, and hopefully there are more events where they include us!
    -Moya Mendoza Rebeca. 2º III

  16. The State Congress "Innovation in Teaching English" was an enriching experience in terms of knowledge, skills and strategies. I consider that these types of projects are very useful for students, as it allows them to grow both personally and professionally, and it is also a good strategy to carry out various workshops, in which guidelines are given to students of the Normal of The Acaquilpan Kings interact with other sister schools. thus promoting a greater field of awareness and experiences. ROMERO ROCHA MONICA 2°III

  17. The congress that took place at the Normal School has been one of the most important events in this school year, since it has provided strategies regarding the educational field and implementation of the second language. By implementing these activities within the institution, it helps teachers in training to develop and achieve the necessary skills.
    By María de Jesús Pérez León

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. the congress for my very enriching result, because I was able to learn about tools that can be useful for my teaching performance. I managed to develop skills that allowed me to understand the speakers. Consider that these types of events should continue to be implemented, as they are the ones that help us to know more tools for intervention.

  20. The innovation of English in education is very important, the didactic methods for teaching English are part of our training as future teachers so this congress is a step forward for education in Mexico, which is enriching to see how students learn fruitfully this second language from primary.

  21. The congress that took place at the Los Reyes Acaquilpan Normal was undoubtedly one of the experiences that in particular left me a significant learning. The experiences expressed by each of the workshops showed us that with work and dedication you can become a very well-trained teacher and that you can master the language to open more paths.

  22. El congreso que se llevó a cabo dentro de nuestra institución fue de gran ayuda para toda la comunidad estudiantil ya que pudimos ver y analizar cuán importante es el aprendizaje del inglés en nuestra formación docente, también nos dejó gratas experiencias gracias a que los ponentes que nos compartieron un poco de su conocimiento lo cual a todos los estudiantes que participaron les dejo un aprendizaje significativo que podrán llevar a cabo durantes sus jornadas de práctica pero más cuando sean egresados de esta gran casa de estudios. Fue una vivencia que espero se vuelva a repetir pero que también los compañeros que no pudieron participar tengan la oportunidad de hacerlo ya que dejará una huella muy importante dentro de su formación y claramente de su vida también.

  23. That day was quite important for my training in English, as I allow myself to realize the level of understanding that I have, in turn I could know teaching strategies that I hope to be able to apply during my classes. Isaac Tadeo Caravantez Salazar 2 II

  24. Karen Andrea López Reyes 2° "II"
    I think it is important to witness this type of event, because it is an approach to a second language, in addition to that it involves you to activities that can be carried out within the classroom, in addition to lending you the tools to learn and teach this language. The workshops were interesting and very satisfying. The professors who attended lent their knowledge. I entered the course of innovation and phonetics, which strengthened my knowledge, as well as perfecting my listening and speaking.

  25. I think these types of activities are really interesting and leave a great learning, also helped us improve listening to English and trying to speak, it was really interesting and I liked it, thank you ENRA for this opportunity

  26. The English congress brought us significant learning, and the importance of knowing English, as well as the level of English that I have and what my other colleagues have, in the way that some speak more fluently, it was also a great opportunity to meet students from other normal students and teachers the contribution they made about English language, from English methods, teaching and other topics of interest Cecilia Martínez Rosas 2 II

  27. Evelin Akxa Gama Sánchez 2 II
    I found this activity very interesting because it is important that as teachers we are prepared and willing to exchange experiences, another aspect that I found interesting were the workshops for teaching English since sometimes it is not given the necessary importance and the method to be able to Teaching foreign language is very traditionalist, for example the innovation workshop of English teaching nks showed many striking methods to ensure that the student appropriates knowledge, through stories, songs, short films, among others.

  28. These activities are very interesting and important and they serve us, as we realize the importance of English and teach us another way of interacting with the language, so we also learn another way to teach English, and they are knowledge that we They are going to serve in what we have left of the race, and it is very good that the normal school does this type of activities because they enrich us in our procesos. Brenda Morales Ramírez 2°II

  29. I had an important event because it was the first for my first grade classmates. It was a pleasant exchange

  30. I found this activity quite interesting because we can learn English but also socialize it and learn from others, a process that as future teachers we have to learn to teach children in the same way
    It seems to me that it is an experience in which I learned both vocabulary and pronunciation that is the most important

  31. It was a great experience Having this type of congress leaves us very fruitful experiences, because by sharing knowledge and living with people who are more prepared and willing to give us their knowledge, it allows us to acquire new knowledge and tools that throughout our training will not be of much help. And we become better prepared professionals
    (Graciela Peralta 2°II)

  32. I found this activity quite interesting because we can learn English but also socialize it and learn from others, a process that as future teachers we have to learn to teach children in the same way
    It seems to me that it is an experience in which I learned both vocabulary and pronunciation that is the most important
    Jiménez Gutiérrez Karina Joseline

  33. Medina Solís Gabriela
    2 II
    The English congress was held in the same way in which it took place in which some Normal of the State of Mexico took place, it began with a cramp conference in which they were successful and it was very motivational to learn to English. Personally, I took two courses which were innovative for teaching English which provides me with tools and strategies to improve my teaching practice. The second course I took was phonics, which was very rewarding because it helped me to improve my pronunciation.

  34. The congress was a very pleasant experience because it helped us to be and live with our colleagues in the same normal as others, it was very good to listen to my colleagues who directs the activity because we realize that we are moving forward as a school, it is very It is important that activities are carried out so that they open a wide range of advantages, we develop skills that will serve us in the future when we are already teachers.
    The Normal dresses up to accept doing these activities, they are very good for everyone, I hope they continue to be done because we learn a lot.
    English is a very important tool because in the future we will need it, anywhere it will be occupied and having it will give us new opportunities.
    (Jessica Nallely Gadea Victoriano 2° II)

  35. It was an important event for the whole school where we, second graders, participate actively in the coexistence of experts in English

  36. The congress that took place at the Normal School has been one of the most important events in this school year, since it has provided strategies regarding the educational field and implementation of the second language. By implementing these activities within the institution, it helps teachers in training to develop and achieve the necessary skills.
    Omar Olivera Bazán 2° "II"

  37. In the activity of the forum a lot was learned, classmates from other schools were known, their skills they had in English.
    It was a very nice experience and you could see that there were classmates who knew how to pronounce English very well. (Iveth Herrera 2-2)

  38. The experience in this congress was very pleasant, I help teachers in training of the different grades a lot to have a greater background of knowledge so that tomorrow they have more strategies for their teaching work in the field of English etc.
    Ángel Ramón 2do “II"

  39. Perea Siles Nitzzy Andrea. 2-II
    The English congress by Cambridge seemed very interesting, since it was something innovative and full of knowledge.
    the courses they gave us were of great interest, the ones I took were grammar where they explained how they should write the words correctly, as well as the pronunciation, the other was innovation in the creativity of the class this with the intention of Do not be a traditionalist and provide an interesting class for children. Personally, these types of activities help us to transform our teacher training.
    and it is very pleasant to see that the teachers of the enra give us as much knowledge as possible so that we continue to grow and improve. This congress helped me to continue improving my fluency, pronunciation, grammar.

  40. This student forum for the teaching of English was very rewarding because the activities were highlighted within it and more than that it was a coexistence of pure English and it is something that helped us to relate more to speech and power and include more more This teaching This type of activities reinforces our teacher training as they add to short or long term experiences.

    Luna Aguilar Diana Leslie 2ºII

  41. For me the congress is a good way to get into us as future teachers to practice and learn more about English, it is also a good way to interact with the other normal schools and know the different levels they have and against which we are going to face in English. We know more about the language and more than anything we learn with situations or activities of this type.

    Pérez Servín Diego Leonel 2._2

  42. It was a great experience to be at the work tables that we had, since the teachers taught the courses they did it in a very didactic way and this turned out to be easy to learn a little from them. Undoubtedly, this type of event strengthens my training as a teacher.

    María Guadalupe

  43. This type of event makes us as students fill ourselves with more knowledge and like school, it takes time to bring them to school and gives us a good opportunity
